For us, sustainability means...

“acting conscientiously, because resources and the
environment belong to everyone.
As a family business, it’s in our nature to
think about future generations.
Healthy growth, risk diversification,
profitability and self-financing 
ensure our financial stability and
long-term independence. “

Paul & Robert Relca

Our Sustainability
Report 2022

With the Sustainability Report, we formalized our commitment by taking a comprehensive
approach to make our entire operation sustainable. Therefore, we involve our internal
staff, suppliers, and customers to examine procedures, goals, and priorities together.
An approach of awareness and accountability that starts in the company
and continues with the selection of Sustainable Development
Goals that are priorities for us.

For a sustainable future

Our 5 strategic pillars

At Recla we have defined the five strategic pillars that guide our actions in
every area on a daily basis, respecting the various stakeholders:
Environment and Resources, Customers, Employees and Society, Product, Industry 4.0.

Our results

For generations, sustainability has played an important role in our corporate strategy,
therefore we can look back with pride on various achievements: